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Established in 1960, Taipei Medical University has nurtured over 40,000 healthcare professionals in half a century, serving communities worldwide. In recent years, our university has shifted its development vision towards cultivating biomedical talents with innovative capabilities. The focal point of this innovation lies in the advancement of interdisciplinary education built upon the foundation of medical university.

In order to gather and expand resources, our university established the 11th college, the Interdisciplinary College, in 2018. It is dedicated to the development of non-medical knowledge in healthcare and teaching of skills.


Organization & Mission

The college has established 'Interdisciplinary Learning Center’, 'Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Center’ ,and 'Digital Self-Learning Center' ,focusing on the development of interdisciplinary courses, entrepreneurship incubation, and digital self-learning.

★Pioneering nationwide, adjusting curriculum structure, and establishing an interdisciplinary college

★Managing the school-wide faculty community to foster a interdisciplinary learning and collaborative atmosphere

★Actively promoting interdisciplinary learning, integrating resources to establish an innovative entrepreneurial atmosphere, and encouraging students to engage in digital self-learning

Educational Goals

As a bridge between general education, professional education, and clinical education, this college cultivates five core competencies in students, enabling them to solve interdisciplinary problems and break down the boundaries between disciplines and professions

  • Proactive exploration and problem definition skills
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship Practice Capability
  • Team Integration and Communication Collaboration Ability
  • Global Adaptability
  • Self-directed Lifelong Learning Ability


Given the foundations of medical professional education, by developing interdisciplinary courses and providing both digital and physical learning and practical spaces, students are able to substantially broaden their horizons, establish secondary expertise, and apply it effectively in society. They may even integrate their medical expertise across disciplines, becoming versatile professionals in the healthcare interdisciplinary field.